Will AI really decrease or replace the need for software engineers?

While AI has been with us for decades, its sudden surge in popularity—thanks largely to ChatGPT and OpenAI—has sparked a steep rise in predictions that AI might eventually replace software engineers. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, there is already data...

Are prioritization frameworks flawed by short-term views? Meet HICE.

Why does product prioritization often struggle to align with business goals? Let’s start with this question. We must admit that this is rather an odd problem.  It’s completely understandable that aligning and translating technical scope into business impact is...

Why you have troubles hiring strong tech talent?

The primary reason why I decided to dedicate some time on the topic was that only in the last week, four companies have contacted me with exactly the same question: hey Peter, we have problems hiring strong tech talent, can you help us and tell us what’s wrong.When I...

When must you transform your tech organization?

The early days of your tech teamWhen establishing tech teams in young companies, one widespread practice is to form these teams around technical or system domains. For example, if you are working on a product, you might split your large teams into UI, backend, DB, QA,...